Jacksonville Dance Company and Jax Gymnastics Team
GOAL $5,000.00 BY 08-25-2023
# Name Amount of sales Total
#1 Kelly Cantrell 24 $1,146.00
#2 Cadyn Yarberry 17 $1,025.00
#3 Kennedy Ruhter 15 $856.00
#4 Conlee Wainscott 6 $752.00
#5 Liz Long 2 $682.00
#6 Oliver Petty 8 $448.00
#7 Holly Baron 6 $446.00
#8 Tauheeda Berry 1 $410.00
#9 Cynthia Fischer 5 $399.00
#10 Chasity Mckendree 7 $367.00
#11 Brandy Garvin-Moore 3 $280.00
#12 Ruthy Fugate 2 $262.00
#13 Landree Malloy 3 $245.00
#14 Emmarie Talton 1 $160.00
#15 Rachel Tawney 3 $141.00
#16 Christina Morden 2 $120.00
#17 Ksea Harshberger 1 $120.00
#18 Emily Hubbard 2 $105.00
#19 Kristin McNeese 1 $80.00